What is a cockroach?
Cockroaches, or simply “roaches” have six legs, two antennae, wings, and a brownish-red or black coloring. On average, adults measure up to around two inches in length.
In the Southeastern United States, cockroaches are colloquially referred to as “palmetto bugs” due to their presence in and around palmetto trees. A Palmetto bug can be a nickname for the American Cockroach or any other variety of roach depending on the region.
Whatever the nickname, the roach is not welcome in your home or business. They are invasive, unclean insects that spread disease and contaminate food. Their diet consists of nearly everything. That includes books, human food, construction material, and even other insects. You can find them in warm, moist, dark places like basements, crawl spaces, or under your sink.
What’s kinds of roaches are there?
One important thing to know when it comes to roaches is that there are two main varieties: German and American.
American roaches prefer moist environments like drains and sewers. They’re larger than their German counterparts, reddish-brown with tan markings on their pronotum (armor plate), and one female can produce over 800 offspring in a year. They have working wings and can fly short distances.
German cockroaches are smaller and prefer to hide in cracks and crevices. They have light brown coloration with two dark stripes down their tops. They have wings but cannot fly. Their biggest defining characteristic is how rapidly they reproduce – one female can produce six generations and some 30,000 new roaches in a single year!
Are cockroaches dangerous?
Cockroaches are not sanitary creatures. They eat garbage and breed in sewage. They also leave waste and mess everywhere they go. This means that their bites, even if they’re rare, are especially dirty and can potentially spread contaminants that can lead to harmful infections or make you more susceptible to contracting disease.
Their presence can also make existing allergies or asthma flare up more than usual for people living in the same environment. Cockroaches have been linked to salmonella and other diseases.
What attracts cockroaches?
Any home or business could be an ideal breeding ground for most species of cockroach. Your house or building provides food, warmth, water, and nesting sites that aren’t affected by the seasons.
Cockroaches are attracted to quiet safe places with all these amenities, especially if there is food and decaying organic matter. They can be attracted to dirty dishes, garbage cans, compost bins and even laundry.
The best way to keep cockroaches out is by being vigilant about home cleanliness, both interior and exterior and to limit access to food (they prefer garbage and crumbs for the most part).
Cockroach prevention tips
The first step of roach prevention is to eliminate the food sources they covet:
- Wipe down kitchen appliances
- Don’t leave dirty plates or half-empty sugary drinks laying out
- Sweep up crumbs
- Store all food in sealed containers (including pet food)
- Use trash cans with tightly fitted lids
- Vacuum all areas of your home regularly.
Eliminate their water sources as well by fixing any leaky faucets or pipes as soon as you notice them. Avoid leaving dirty rags and sponges in the sink to gather bacteria.
Finally, eliminate their potential entry points and hiding places by caulking any holes or crevices they use to enter your home. Exclusion efforts outside of your home include caulking, repairing screens and sealing utility lines. Keep a tidy yard, rake regularly, trim back any bushes or greenery that is especially prone to overgrowth.
How does Gregory pest control work?
An expert cockroach exterminator from Gregory Pest Solutions will be your full-service pest solutions provider specializing in the effective removal and prevention of roaches from your home or business.
Whether your problem is seeing a few or an entire family of roaches, our roach experts will develop a plan of action that will eliminate any that are currently in your property and prevent them from becoming re-established in the future. We use targeted baits, insect growth regulators, and cockroach removal processes that will guarantee you peace-of-mind and an end to your cockroach problem.
Roach FAQ
Do cockroaches bite?
No. While there are a few examples of roach bites on record, it is highly unlikely one would bite you. It would only happen in a case of extreme infestation with large numbers of starving cockroaches.
What hours are roaches active?
Cockroaches are most active at night. That is when their senses are most acute for locating food.
What is the difference between a water bug vs cockroach?
Water bugs look like cockroaches but have several key differences. They are generally larger, have a more gray than reddish color and lack the long antennae that roaches have. Water bugs have a small beak at the top of their heads and will bite in defense, so be careful around them.
What are signs of a cockroach infestation?
You may notice dark, pepper like droppings, smear marks, a foul odor and egg casings.
Can you see cockroach eggs?
Cockroaches lay eggs in ootheca or small capsule-shaped casings. These are light brown in color and about 1/3 inch in length. You may see them glued into small cracks, behind furniture and other quite protected spaces.
How smart are roaches?
Roaches have very limited intelligence, but they can remember how to return to food sources. It also turns out that their intelligence varies with the time of day. They are more intelligent at night.
How do I get rid of roaches?
Deprive them of food, water and shelter. Keep in mind that roaches can survive one week without water and one month without food. Calling a trusted pest control company is likely to be the best way to guarantee eliminating them all.
Roach Prevention Near You
Don’t let roach infestation upend your home or business. If you need help getting them out, Gregory has roach solutions to match your needs. Get comprehensive pest prevention services in South Carolina. Whatever your commercial or residential pest problem is, you can trust Gregory Pest Solutions.
You can use the form below to get in touch with our team of expert pest removal technicians. Schedule an appointment, give us a call, or request a quote today.