We think food safety is important because we’re your customers, too.

Food safety is a hot topic with outbreaks involving E.coli, Salmonella and other food-borne illnesses breaking news in the US in recent years. It is critical  for food establishments to keep food safety at the top of their list because it keeps their customers safe . The key to a Smarter Food Safety Program is a “three legged stool,” said our Director of Food Protection and Registered Sanitarian Mark VanOstenbridge. The three legs are comprised of preventative food safety programs, a solid food safety culture and preventative pest control.

Preventative Food Safety Program

At Gregory, we provide  Smarter service. Our food safety program includes a nationally  recognized Certified Food Safety Manager Certification class and exam for all Gregory employees involved with food and safe food systems.  Technicians, field staff and supervision are educated and trained in food safety which makes them a resource for your business and plays an essential role with regard to your establishment’s overall food safety program.

Food Safety Culture

Culture is arguably one of the hardest business practices to implement, but it also one of the most essential components of your business. Development of  a culture that reflects a company’s goals is a beginning. Company executives and management need to be committed to that culture with food safety acting as a primary focus of any food establishment’s business culture. Negative publicity, regulatory  fines, penalties or closure could result from improper food handling, time and temperature abuse, poor personal hygiene or a pest infestation. Promoting a solid food safety culture can keep your business safe from business killing consequences.

Creating a culture that revolves around food safety is an ongoing mission. Keeping the topic at the forefront of employee’s minds is a great way to sustain a food safety culture.  Visual examples like charts, pamphlets, reference guides and real world discussion of food safety topics during employee meetings are all great ways to keep employees engaged in food safety. It takes a lifetime to build a brand and one incident can destroy that reputation overnight.  A solid food safety preventative program will greatly reduce the chances of a food safety crisis.

Food establishments are a favorite hide away for rodents. Our preventative pest control services can help you keep these critters out.

Preventative Pest Control

Pests are a huge factor in food safety. Rodents, flies and cockroach populations  can escalate in a food service establishment if not addressed quickly and accurately. Gregory provides preventative pest control that includes inspection and evaluation of your  establishment to determine the problem or potential  problem  to prevent a recurrence. Pests are known for being persistent and can spread  disease  which could cause illness or in some cases, even death. Preventing the pests from becoming a problem is the best way to keep your customers and business safe.

Three Keys to a Smarter Food Safety Program Serving the Southeastern US

Alabama | Delaware Florida | Georgia | Louisiana | Mississippi | North Carolina | South Carolina | Tennessee | Virginia | Washington D.C.