What is a spider?
There are tens of thousands of species of spiders worldwide. Despite this variety, all spiders share these common characteristics:
- Eight legs
- Dual-region bodies
- Three or fair pairs of eyes
- Lack of wings or antennae
Most spiders enjoy darkness and moisture and tend to build their webbed homes in places like crawl spaces, attics, or basements.
Spiders eat insects that they trap in their web. They subdue their prey with additional webbing that immobilizes the prey and makes it easy to consume. Spider mouths are different from those of insects. They don’t have a hinged jaw or chewing mouthpart and instead use enzymes in their saliva to break down trapped prey before they eat it.
The silk that spiders create is elastic, adhesive, and surprisingly strong. These webs allow them to trap prey, build their homes and protect their egg sacs.
Dangerous Spiders
We’ll be upfront with you, all spiders bite but sleep soundly knowing most of them are harmless. If you have a spider infestation in your home or business you might be inconvenienced but it’s unlikely you’ll be physically harmed.
There are two varieties of spider in the South that are venomous: the black widow and the brown recluse. These spiders can cause illness and in rare situations death. If you experience spider bite symptoms like fever, headache, nausea, muscle cramping, difficulty breathing and high blood pressure, see a doctor immediately.
While most spiders aren’t a direct threat to you or your family’s well being, we still recommend calling a pest control professional when you notice a lot of spiders around your home or business. We can identify the source of your infestation and get rid of existing pests.
Why You Have Spiders
If you have spiders, they’ve likely entered your home through poorly screened windows and doors or by sneaking in through cracks and gaps in or around your home. Spiders are drawn in by moisture, warmth and the presence of a viable food source. If spiders are thriving in your space, it likely means that you already have an existing pest infestation that is feeding them.
Spider Prevention
If you find a spider in your home, it’s because it’s hungry, not because it wants to cause you any trouble. That said, there are a number of ways to discourage spiders away from your home instead of into it.
How to prevent spiders:
- Clean and dust regularly
- Seal any foundational cracks, gaps in or near windows and other entry points
- Repair water drips and leaks
- Control insect pests
- Call a professional pest control company
If you have a lot of spiders appearing in your home, the experts at Gregory can help identify further prevention measures for your unique situation. Call us today for a free quote.
How Gregory Pest Removes Spiders from Your Home or Business
An expert spider exterminator from Gregory Pest Solutions will be your full-service pest solutions provider specializing in the effective removal and prevention of arachnids and their webs from your home or business.
When you hire us to evaluate the extent of your home’s pest problem, one of our pros will be sent to assess the situation and then formulate environmentally friendly spider solutions for removal and prevention. Once we implement our plan, our experts can make recommendations for cleaning and sealing the affected area so that you and your family can continue to enjoy a pest-free environment.
Spider FAQ
Do house spiders bite?
Small common types of house spiders rarely bite humans unless provoked. Like most spiders, they use venom to subdue their prey but the amount contained in their tiny mouth pieces is not enough to harm you.
Are cupboard spiders dangerous?
Cupboard spiders, also called false widows, are dark, shiny spiders that were imported from Europe. They are common along the Atlantic and gulf coasts and can be mistaken for black widows. Their venom is stronger than many spiders but not as strong as a black widow. Bites are rare but may lead to severe symptoms.
What attracts spiders?
Spiders are attracted to dark, quiet spaces that offer food, warmth and water. If you have a basement, garage or crawl space with a built in insect buffet, spiders will likely move in.
Are spiders insects?
No. Spiders are in the class arachnida which is very different from the class insecta.
How long do spiders live?
Most common house spiders live only a few months. Larger, heartier spiders like the tarantula can live up to 40 years! Wolf spiders in Texas and other states live between 2-3 years.
Are spiders nocturnal?
Yes. During the day, most spiders find cool, dark places to hide. They return to their webs at night when they are most active.
How do I get rid of spiders?
Seal the entry points where they get in, eliminate any insects that they are eating and vacuum up webs. Of course the surest way to get rid of spiders is to call an expert in spider pest control who knows how to identify the spiders in your home and where they got in.
Where can I get help with spiders?
If you’ve read this far you probably have a spider problem and need help taking care of it. Gregory Pest Solutions offers our comprehensive residential and commercial pest services, including spider removal in South Carolina.
Get in touch with the team of expert technicians at Gregory Pest Solutions today. You can use the links below to request a quote, give us a call, or schedule a service.