A meadow vole chewing on a plant

Actual Size: 3 1/2 to 5 inches.

Characteristics: Soft, thick fur in shades of brown and gray blankets their body, contrasting with a lighter underside. Their tiny ears are tucked into the fur, and their short tail is wrapped in fine hair.

Habitat: Typically found in underground burrows, often hidden within grassy fields or areas with dense vegetation.


  • Frequently called “meadow mouse” or “field mouse.”
  • Build elaborate tunnel networks, damaging turf and landscaping.
  • Prolific breeders, they produce several litters yearly, each with 4–8 young.
  • Use high-pitched sounds for communication.

Meadow Voles in South Carolina

Known as the “meadow mouse” or “field mouse,” the meadow vole is a common rodent throughout North America. They share similarities with rats and mice but stand out due to their shorter tails and rounded, cylindrical bodies. These poor climbers rarely enter homes, preferring to inhabit underground burrows that can damage landscaping and turf. They feed mainly on grasses and seeds and are known for their high reproductive rate.

Meadow Vole Habitat

Meadow voles may sometimes appear above ground, but they spend most of their time in shallow, underground burrow systems. Their nests, made from grass, stems, and leaves, are typically hidden beneath dense vegetation, providing them with protection from predators. Removing this cover can reveal runways leading to the nests. Evidence of their activity includes fresh grass clippings and greenish droppings about 3/16 inch long near the burrow entrances.

Meadow Vole Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Meadow voles rarely have direct contact with humans and present low health risks, but they can spread diseases such as plague and tularemia. They avoid entering homes but often create problems for homeowners by damaging crops, orchards, and young trees. Their burrowing activity undermines plant stability, creating potential hazards for landscaping and vegetation. Additionally, they may harm tree trunks as well as lawns, golf courses, and ground covers.

If you spot signs of a meadow vole infestation on your property, reach out to a reliable rodent extermination service.

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