What to Know About Mice Prevention
Known for destroying property and spreading disease-causing pathogens, the presence of mice can be a major issue for your South Carolina home or business – requiring professionals to get rid of them and put preventative measures in place.
Mice are primarily nocturnal and omnivorous. In nature, they’ll eat whatever plants, leaves, stems, seeds, roots, fruits, berries, and insects they can get their paws on. If they’ve infested your home, they’ll expand that sustenance pool to anything they can find in your cupboards or trash. All varieties of mice are efficient reproducers, with a single female birthing between 15 and 120 children per year. They can add up quickly!
You can protect your space and avoid costly pest disruptions by maintaining a cleaner environment and bringing in the rodent control experts at Gregory Pest Solutions. Read on to learn more about mice infestations and effective prevention methods.
What Does a Mouse Look Like in South Carolina?
Mice typically have a pointed snout, pronounced round ears, a hairless tail, and clawed feet.
While there are over a thousand different species of mice worldwide, you only need to worry about the three varieties: the house mouse (Mus musculus), the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), and the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus).
All are similar in size and weight and range between five to seven inches in length. The main way to tell the three of them apart is by looking at their distinctive color patterns.
Signs you have mice
You’ll know that you have mice if you see one (obviously). Other signs of mice in your home or business might include:
- Footprints and tracks left in dusty locations
- Gnawing or chew marks on furniture or on walls
- Squeaking, scratching, and the sound of scurrying in walls or similar areas
- Rice-sized mouse droppings
- Changes in pet behavior
- Nests
How Do I Prevent Mice?
Mice find their way into your home through small cracks or holes. So the best way to keep them out is by making sure all potential entrances are sealed, all nests are cleaned out, and any loose food (including pet food) is stored away in airtight containers. Once they’re in, they make their nest in a quiet area and live off whatever they can scavenge.
Mice prefer quiet, undisturbed areas, such as closets, storage areas, and wall voids. They pick natural trails to follow, such as girders, heating and electrical lines, and utility runs.
Mouse Prevention Tips
- Install door sweeps on all exterior doors.
- Use rodent-proof materials such as hardware cloth, aluminum flashing, aluminum screening, or concrete to seal all exterior holes and openings.
- Place ¼ inch wire mesh screens over all exterior ventilation openings.
- Inspect roof areas and seal any gaps or openings around vents and HVAC units.
- Designate a food area and discourage employees from keeping food at desks.
- Clean food serving, prep, and storage areas regularly.
- Keep vegetation around buildings trimmed back, especially low, dense shrubs and tall grasses.
- Store firewood and unused equipment away from the building.
- Remove clutter, such as old boxes and equipment.
- Keep dumpsters and garbage bins tightly covered and away from the building.
What Attracts Mice?
Mice are attracted to safe, quiet spaces with a reliable food source nearby. Basements, attics, and in-between walls are likely destinations. In the fall, they will seek shelter indoors vs burrowing for the winter.
Can Mice Hurt You?
Possibly – a single mouse may not seem like a big deal, but it could be the start of a bigger mouse problem under your roof. A mouse infestation can cause food contamination and the spread of disease through their droppings. Their gnawing can cause extensive damage to furniture and the structure of your home. Chewed wires can lead to potential electrical fires.
Do Mice Carry Fleas?
Yes. Besides being a nuisance unto themselves, mice can also infest your home with fleas and mites.
Can Mice Climb?
Yes. Mice are excellent climbers. They can climb up bricks, bushes, or trees to get into your home in areas you might not expect. They’re also powerful jumpers.
How High Can Mice Jump?
A standing mouse can jump up to a foot. A mouse with a running start can jump as high as two feet. Mice can climb, run, jump, and squeeze through a hole the size of a dime. Keep this in mind when they get into your pantry and other areas.
How Long Does it Take for a Mouse to Decompose?
Mice that die in your walls from poison or other means can leave a lingering odor. In warmer weather, it may take two weeks for a mouse to decompose – and in cold weather, it may take closer to three weeks.
How Long Does it Take for Mice to Have Babies?
Once pregnant, a female mouse will deliver her pups in about 20 days. She will be able to become pregnant again the day after giving birth and will have between five to ten litters in a year. If you have a mouse move in, it could turn into many quickly!
How Long Can a Mouse Live Without Food?
Getting mice, especially babies, out of your walls can be tricky. This is where a pest control professional with a comprehensive pest strategy can be a huge benefit.
What Should I Do About Mice in Walls?
Mice are small but frequent eaters. They can only go two to four days without food. Before you think it’s easy to starve them out, consider that they may have food cached or go outside to forage.
How Will Gregory Pest Solutions Stop My Mouse Problem?
Whatever you need, we have you covered! When you call Gregory Pest Solutions about your pest problem, we send a technician out to your home or business to identify what kind of mice you have and how they’re getting in. Once we’ve determined the variety of mouse that’s made its nest, we’ll work to remove it. We will find the nests, clean the debris, and implement a plan to eliminate further infestation in the future. Our methods are thorough and environmentally safe for you, your pets, and the environment you live in.
Call us for whatever pest prevention assistance you need. We can help remove current infestations, prevent future ones, and develop implementable exclusion plans in South Carolina.
Schedule a free consultation today here.