Mosquito control and removal

Smarter Mosquito Control and Removal

Professional Mosquito Control for Your Home or Business

Mosquito populations have been booming. Fortunately, Gregory Pest offers proven mosquito control services with a monthly program that protects your family and pets throughout mosquito season. Don’t huddle indoors all summer worrying about itching or mosquito borne illnesses. Get Outdoor mosquito control that works!

How Gregory’s Mosquito Treatments Work

During mosquito season – typically April through October – we will treat your yard, landscape, and the foundation of your home/building using control products that help reduce the population of adult mosquitoes. This treatment disrupts the mosquito life cycle and can prevent mosquito larvae from becoming adults. Also, ask us about our all-natural alternative that uses only organic materials.

Additionally, we can help with the removal of existing mosquitoes on your property. Relief starts with an inspection by one of our professional technicians. Once they’ve identified breeding sites and the breadth and variety of your infestation, they’ll work to develop a customized treatment plan that includes recommendations on vegetation management and exclusion techniques.

Don’t wait. Call for home or commercial mosquito control and start reducing mosquito populations near you today.

How can I prevent mosquitoes?

Controlling mosquitoes starts with removing the areas that can turn into breeding sites. Search your home and yard for standing water. This includes:

  • Gutters and downspouts
  • Birdbaths
  • Pet dishes
  • Wading pools
  • Trash containers
  • Flower pots 
  • Anywhere water pools

Mosquitoes require standing water for their eggs to hatch. If you are unable to keep these areas properly cleaned and maintained, we recommend draining any water from them to prevent future hatchings. 

Combine this with regular use of on-body insect repellents and citronella candles to repel mosquitoes normally drawn to the scent of your blood. Deet and permethrin are good options that are proven effective.

Mosquito Facts

There are over 3,000 documented mosquito species worldwide. The United States is home to over 150 of these. While their physical characteristics vary, all mosquitoes have one pair of scaled wings, slender bodies, and long legs. Most are less than 15 mm in length and vary in coloring between brown, black, and brownish-red. Another distinct characteristic of mosquitos is the low whining sound they make. 

Mosquito life cycles once again vary between species but for most, it takes only a few weeks for them to develop from egg to adult. Females lay up to 300 eggs at a time after feeding on blood while the male mosquito feeds on flower nectar. The female lays her eggs in an area in or near water. The eggs can lie dormant for up to 3 years until water allows them to hatch.

Are mosquitoes dangerous?

Mosquito bites are generally innocuous but unfortunately, they have the potential to spread several potentially harmful diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO), has said that more than half of the world’s current population is at risk from mosquito-borne diseases. Mosquitoes are known carriers of the Zika virus, Yellow fever, Dengue fever, Malaria, Chikungunya, West Nile virus and a number of other diseases – all of which can be spread by a single bite.

An old tire in a yard with water pooled inside.

Why do I have mosquitoes?

You have mosquitoes because your home or business is in proximity to an appealing place for them to lay eggs and reproduce. An ideal breeding ground for all varieties of mosquito is one with accessible standing water. They are most active during warm temperatures and high humidity.

Where can I get help with mosquitoes?

Gregory’s team of licensed and experienced technicians provide the commercial and backyard mosquito control you’ve been looking for. Whether it’s for your home, your cabin or your business, we’re ready to serve you. Reduce mosquito populations, limit mosquito bites and enjoy the outdoors again. Call today to get started on your custom mosquito treatment plan.







Don’t let pests pester you. Instead, get in touch with Gregory Pest Solutions. You can schedule a service, give us a call, or request a quote below.

Ready to get Started? Our technicians are ready to control unwanted mosquitoes. Schedule Service CALL 800-922-2596 Request a Quote