Things happen…
Your child spills something; your husband hits his hand with a hammer; you wash your new white dress with your new red dress and now you have a pink dress; your kids or your spouse invite people over and only give you fifteen minute’s notice. We can help with that last one. Here is everything you need to know about speed cleaning your living room.
Step 1: Grab your supplies

Having your cleaning supplies already together in a caddy or basket will cut down on clean up time. Some general items you should keep in your Quick cleanup caddy include: sponge, microfiber cloth, all-purpose cleaner, and paper towels. For a quick living room clean up, you will also need a vacuum or broom.
Step 2: Declutter
Grab a bin or basket and gather all the clutter that doesn’t belong in the living room. Shoes, toys, etc. Place the bin aside for now; we’ll deal with that later.
Step 3: Fold blankets
If your family members are avid blanket users, there are likely blankets on the ground or laying on the couch. Fold those up and place them where they belong.
Step 4: Spruce up the couch
Fluff the pillows and couch cushions and if you have a leather couch, grab a damp rag and spot clean the surface. If you have time, you can grab a hand held vacuum and go over the couch once or twice.
Step 5: Vacuum or sweep
Grab the vacuum and run it over the rug. Crumbs love to get on the carpet, and with a patterned rug, it’s easy to miss some things. This gives bugs a food source which is not good. Vacuum often to keep pests away. For a quick cleanup, sweep the big stuff away. You can do a more thorough sweep later when you’re not cramped for time.
Step 6: Spot clean floors
Floors are dirty. They collect dust, dirt, crumbs and grime. Sometimes, we spill things on our poor floors which can turn into a sticky mess real fast. Even when we try to clean it, there can still be residue left behind. Bugs know this and will take full advantage of it. So, grab a sponge and dip it in some warm, soapy water. Go over any spots that feel sticky or any visible spot that the vacuum didn’t get.
Step 7: Dust
Fun fact: spiders like dust. So, this quick cleanup won’t only make you feel more accomplished, it will also help keep those eight-legged critters away. Use a Swiffer duster or a microfiber cloth to quickly run over surfaces that could collect dust.
Step 8: Spot clean glass surfaces
Grab the glass cleaner and spray it on a rag. Doing this saves you some cleaner as your won’t use as much. It will also allow you to concentrate on the more obvious splatters and grime on the glass. And because you already dusted, there shouldn’t be a big issue with lint getting smeared all over the place.
After you have performed all these steps and have some extra time, grab that bin filled with the clutter you collected in the living and put it away. But if you don’t have time, you can put it in a closet or a room where guests won’t go.
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