Signs of Termites

Have you noticed holes in your home’s wood or drywall? Do you see termite mud tubes or tiny sawdust piles? If so, you might have termites. To help you prevent an infestation in your home, we’ve created a checklist with all the major signs of termites you should look for. A termite infestation … Read more about Signs of Termites

Opossum Control and Prevention

What is an opossum? Opossums are marsupial mammals that grow to be approximately the size of a large house cat with long pink snouts, rat-like tails, and coloring that is usually an ombre of blacks, greys, and whites. They reproduce like most marsupial mammals with approximately 15-25 newborns born … Read more about Opossum Control and Prevention

Scorpion Control and Elimination

What is a scorpion? Scorpions are part of the arachnid family, which means that they possess eight legs. Their physical makeup is composed of two segments that are called the cephalothorax. The cephalothorax is made up of their extended body and their tell-tale segmented tail ending in a stinger. … Read more about Scorpion Control and Elimination

Snake Control

What is a snake? Snakes are legless reptiles that move about by slithering on their bellies, though their physical appearance can vary significantly depending on the individual species. Their coloring can also vary widely from shades of vivid green, red, yellow, and blue to darker, milder blacks, … Read more about Snake Control

Our Approach

Foundation of Strength MISSION STATEMENT At Gregory, we are dedicated to providing pest solutions in a professional, ethical, caring manner that earns our customers’ trust and satisfaction. Above all else, we value the long-term relationships we create with our co-workers and customers. LOCAL VESTED … Read more about Our Approach

Boxelder Bugs

What is a Boxelder Bug? Scientifically known as Boisea trivittata, the boxelder bug is a common pest in many homes in the Southeastern United States. While boxelders can be confused with stink bugs, they are orange and black insects and are easily recognizable by their distinctive markings. They … Read more about Boxelder Bugs